Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Here we go...

So, I have officially wasted an obscene amount of time figuring out my blog settings, colors, links, and profile. Usually people just post links to people they are friends with, but I have also included links to other blogs and websites that I feel are necessary and vital to your daily life.

Everything you need:
Ben - where he expresses his emotions
Emergent Village - they tend to post interesting stuff
Jason - check it out for info on twoshirts.org
Jeremy - he takes great photographs
Mark Driscoll - oppressing women since 1970
Mike - why yes, he does own his domain name
My xanga - where I post stupid stuff
Post Secret - um...duh
SB Email - what the crap!?!
Tony Jones - making fun of people and pretending to be heretical never seemed so fun
Wikipedia - the source of all knowledge

You may now consider your quality of life improved by 1,000 points.

You are welcome.


I have a real blog!


Though my class on ethics in psychology is calling me away.

More brilliant thought to come later,